September 11th Shrine Of The Sacred Heart of Jesus

Mount Manresa is a landmark to New York Catholics

Mount Manresa is a landmark to New York Catholics

Letters to the Editor/Staten Island Advance By Letters to the Editor/Staten Island Advance Staten Island Advance
on April 11, 2014 at 8:43 AM, updated April 11, 2014 at 8:44 AM


My heart is shattered at the horrific news that Savo Brothers developers have received permits to demolish the Sacred Heart Chapel and the Shealy Hall, cherished monuments to the Laymen’s Retreat Movement and its founder, Father Terence J. Shealy.

The Sacred Heart Chapel was built in 1925 and consecrated by Patrick Cardinal Hayes on July 31, 1926. He also dedicated Shealy Hall in October 1925.

They are historic buildings and have been an important part of the community for over 100 years. Many New York City residents have gone to retreat at Mount Manresa (15,000 a year), or have visited and attended community events, prayer services, picnics, christenings, weddings or memorials at this historic location, the home of the first laymen’s retreat house in America.

What would be New York City without Central Park, Rome without its Coliseum?

Staten Islanders cannot afford to lose Mount Manresa with its 400 years old trees and its historic buildings. This is all we got!

I invite everyone to please contact Mayor Bill de Blasio and tell him to urgently use his executive power to save Mount Manresa as a park for public use. We owe this to our children and generations to come.

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